Argenia Digital Axle Counter
Axle counters are the mainstay of train detection. The Argenia Digital Axle Counter is our most cost-effective unit. The sensor itself mounts on the rail with a mounting bracket. A Wayside Controller Unit (WCU) is mounted nearby which has the electronics to control the collection of train data and provides the axle counting function. The data is sent via a reliable wireless Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) radio or by a RS485 twisted pair back to the SilverHawk evaluator. Up to 32 WCU units can share the same 4 wire bus cabling. Other features include:
Automatic calibration and zero tracking
test mode to test functionality of the sensor
simulation mode to generate test sequences without trains required.
Measure train speed to 300 kph
Majority Logic to forgive 1 missed wheel
Solar panel operation with wireless communications
Axle Counters For Yards, Crossings, Blocks
The Argenia Solar+Wireless Digital Axle Counting System is a state-of-the-art microprocessor controlled digitizing railway wheel sensor system for urban rail, mainline and train yard applications.
It is the only wheel sensor on the market with solar and wireless capabilities. Using dual sensors, our system can detect train speed up to 300 kph within 0.2%. Our unique majority logic configurations minimize miscounts.
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