Speed and Temperature Sensors: Smith Systems, Inc. manufactures speed, motion, and temperature sensors Designed to Survive® in your operating environment. We offer standard designs, or customizable option for use in your equipment. We also can reverse-engineer parts and work off of specifications that you supply to us in...
Learn more about Speed and Temperature Sensors
Axle Counters: Frauscher's vital and fail safe axle counting systems are simple in concept, installation and maintenance, while complex in the benefits they provide. Axle counting systems primarily provide “clear” or “occupied” status information for track sections.; however, Frauscher's modern systems also...
Learn more about Axle Counters
Pressurex® is a mylar based film that contains a layer of tiny microcapsules. The application of force upon the film causes the microcapsules to rupture, producing an instantaneous and permanent high resolution “topographical” image of pressure variation across the contact area.