PowerRail is a certified AAR M-1003 manufacturer, remanufacturer, and distributer of aftermarket locomotive parts and components, offering a wide range of products, supporting both EMD and GE locomotives. We offer both New and Unit Exchange remanufactured components to accommodate any budget.... Read More
As Good As New? How About Better. Railroad components represent expensive investments, making them far too costly to constantly replace. Donohue Railroad reconditions and repairs rail cars, and railroad components to specifications that exceed the tolerances that they were originally built... Read More
The XL480 Brake Stick has a length of 48″ . It weighs only 1.2 pounds It has three powerful magnets along the side of the handle for quick storage or attachment to rounded tank cars or flat sided rail cars and engines. The handle is safety yellow Kevlar(r) and the bottom has a rubber cap... Read more »
By Precision Cut
The Brake Stick by Precision Cut is the ultimate brake stick to use because of its ultralight weight using carbon fiber structural tubing along with the ultra-strong and long wear of the outer Kevlar easy grip sleeve.
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