Case Study | MTA Baltimore North Avenue Yard Automation

Publisher: Frauscher Sensor Technology USA, Inc.

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Case Study | MTA Baltimore North Avenue Yard Automation

The MTA’s need to modernize and automate the North Avenue Yard was answered by the decision to install an axle counting system. The Frauscher Advanced Counter FAdCi and Wheel Sensors RSR180 were selected for this automation project, to provide train detection throughout the yard. The system utilizes the Frauscher Safe Ethernet FSE protocol, reducing the amount of wiring required compared to commonly used relay interfaces. The FSE also allows the collection of additional types of required information. The Ethernet networking functionality of the FAdCi eliminates the need for relays, which are costly and time consuming to install, require frequent maintenance and have a limited life span. The modular and flexible architecture of the FAdCi enables the system to be distributed among multiple locations, using an Ethernet link to exchange information.