The “AC Vane Relay Tester” is designed to enable an operator to measure the voltage and current characteristics of AC Vane Relays and contact resistance. The relay tester
relies on the external AC power at the correct relay operating frequency to provide both Local and Track voltage to the relay under test. The relay tester features its own digital voltmeters and amp meters as well as variacs and a rheostat for voltage adjustments.
Rotary switches provide for the selection and configuration of the relay to be tested. Also a rotary switch to select a contact to measure resistance on. Relay contacts are monitored by LED’s and are RED when the contact is OPEN, and GREEN when the contact is CLOSED. A bulls-eye level is mounted on the front panel adapter insert for leveling and assurance of consistent readings.
The AC Vane relay tester is fully self-contained, and is housed in a durable, weather resistant, carrying case. The digital meters require no connection to the relay under test
as they are permanently connected inside the tester. Testing of relays with this test equipment is for “OUT OF CIRCUIT” relays only. It is for bench testing only.
NOTE: The Vane Relay Tester is for all AC Vane Relays where the TRACK Voltage across the relay coil is below 20 VAC. (A few Power-Off relays exceed the 20 VAC and cannot be tested with this tester.)
NOTE: The POR AC Vane Relay Tester is now available. Please call us for more information.
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